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The Soccer Manager Football Association (SMFA) is the administrative and controlling body. It is almost always referred to by its acronym SMFA. The SMFA controls all national and club competitions, prize money, and regulations within Soccer Manager.
The SMFA runs all of the Game Worlds within Soccer Manager and controls all domestic club and national competitions, prize money and regulations. They also run the two main club competitions, the SMFA Cup and the SMFA Shield (the winners of both cups play each other in the Super Cup), and also the main competition for national teams, the SMFA World Cup.
In Soccer Manager there are strict rules regarding cheating in the form of the Code of Conduct, and this forms part of the Terms of Use. However, just because we have rules regarding this issue, we can not force everyone to follow them, and there is a minority who flaunt the rules. Due to this it gives the minority an unfair advantage over everyone else. This does not mean that we give up on them, as eventually they are found out, and action is taken against their account.
However, due to this minority we take a tougher stance against in-game cheating. It is the responsibility of the SMFA to block suspicious and/or dubious transfers (they do this very effectively using our sophisticated Automated Transfer Monitoring System (ATMS)), prevent match fixing and to penalise violators of the rules.
If you believe a manager within your Game World is cheating then you need to report them to the SMFA:
The SMFA will block any transfer that they deem unusual or dubious. Their decision is aided by our Automated Transfer Monitoring System (ATMS) and is not personal or a judgement on you. The deal could have been blocked for a variety of reasons such as not being fair, too heavily weighted towards one club or issues with one or more of the managers accounts. If you feel the deal is fair and there are no issues with your account then the problem may be with the other managers account which the SMFA cannot discuss.
The ATMS 'learns' over time about managers and how fairly they are playing the game. Managers that continually break the rules will find it harder and harder to deal with other managers and more and more of their transfers will be blocked.
If the SMFA have blocked you from conducting transfers with another manager, they will not reverse their decision and it is advisable to look elsewhere to conduct your transfers.
The SMFA can reverse a transfer at any time if they deem it to be unusual or dubious. Their decision is aided by our Automated Transfer Monitoring System (ATMS) and is not personal or a judgement on you. The deal could have been reversed for a variety of reasons such as not being fair, too heavily weighted towards one club or issues with one or more of the managers accounts. If you feel the deal was fair and there are no issues with your account then the problem may be with the other managers account which the SMFA cannot discuss.
The SMFA can prevent a manager from entering a Game World if they believe they already have an account in or are linked to an account already within the Game World.
However, this does not mean that the SMFA have accused you of cheating, as they have only blocked you to ensure the Game World remains fair.
If the SMFA have blocked you from entering a Game World, they will not reverse their decision and it is advisable to try and enter another Game World.
Language: English
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