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Your profile contains all the information about you that your friends and other members can see. However, you can easily restrict which parts of your profile people can see from your Account Settings. Your profile is also a snapshot of your performance as a manager, showing your managerial history and also showcasing your achievements within Soccer Manager.
Your profile will display any friends that you have within the game and just as they can view your profile, you can view their profile which is also a snapshot of their performance as manager, showing their managerial history and also showcasing their achievements within Soccer Manager.
As well as having the opportunity to view any friends that you have within the game, you can also invite your friends to join you using several Invite your Friends tools or alternatively you can use the Find Friends search to see if any of your friends are currently in Soccer Manager.
If you find a friend that you want to add to your friends list, then click on Add to Friends. A friend request will be sent to that manager and once they confirm this request they will then show up on your friends list. If you would like to cancel a friend request, then visit that manager's profile and click on Cancel Friend Request.
If you would like to remove a friend, then either visit that manager's profile or your friends list and click on Remove Friend. You will also be removed from that manager's friend list as well and if you want to add this person again you will need to send a new friend request.
If you would like to view your achievements within Soccer Manager, you will need to view Trophies. This will display all of the trophies that you have won throughout your Soccer Manager career.
Your Trophy Cabinet will display any honours that you have achieved within the game during your managerial career and it is split into 2 areas, Custom and Standard Game World Honours and Gold Game World Honours.
You will be able to click on any of the honours that you have won to display additional information in relation to that tournament. You will also be able to click on View Full Details to see a complete list of your honours in either Custom and Standard Game Worlds or Gold Game Worlds.
There are 90 achievements in total that can be unlocked and they each have a varying degree of difficulty based on how hard they are to achieve. Each time you unlock an achievement this will be highlighted within your profile along with the date that this was achieved.
Any club(s) that you currently manage (and also the Game World type that the club is in) will be displayed within your Game World and Clubs. If you click on that specific club you will be able to obtain additional information regarding the club in relation to your managerial record along with your club's history and any associated honours which you have won.
Any club(s) that you currently manage or have managed and also the Game World type that the club is or was in will be displayed within your History along with your managerial record whilst in charge of that specific club.
Language: English
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