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Player Concerns is a form of morale that is centered around concerns a player can develop. If these concerns are not addressed the player will eventually demand a transfer and leave your club. Any player may make a transfer request and in doing so they are publicly stating their desire to move, and encouraging other clubs to make an offer for them.
There are 4 areas of concern which a player could develop and these are in relation to being loaned out, a wage dispute, lack of opportunity at the club and a lack of games. Any concerns which a player has will be displayed within your Squad/Tactics (with Unh as their Player Field Description) and also within their Player Profile. When a player develops a concern you will also receive a new Club Message notifying you of this.
There are Five Levels of concern which a player can develop and they are:
Stages will progress from Level 1 through to Level 5 and a concern can only start at Level 1 and cannot jump or skip levels. When a player reaches Level 5 (or a multiple of higher level concerns) your Chairman will automatically place them on the Transfer List and deal with any offers received. It is also worthwhile noting that concerns will stay with players across seasons as they will pass from one season to the next and that switching players between the First and Youth Teams won't have an impact as the system already takes into account factors such as age.
Whilst Stages will progress from Level 1 through to Level 5, similarly the same applies when concerns are disappearing. They only go down one level at a time (with the only exception being when a wage dispute is resolved). Therefore it takes a while for a player to become content again and loose all of their concerns.
Younger low rated players won't mind being out on loan whereas good players at their peak of their careers will. If a player deems that he is too good to go out on loan then over time they will develop a concern and you will receive a new Club Message notifying you of this. If you recall the loaned out player the concern would go after a period of time as long as he is not loaned out again.
If a player is unhappy at his lack of games at your club and then you send him out on loan, his lack of games concern will remain unchanged. This is because the player is concerned with his lack of games at his parent club.
If a player is not receiving a wage that reflects their current ability then your Chairman will automatically offer them a new contract and you will receive a new Club Message notifying you of this.
In a typical Game World, with 38 league games, a player evaluates their season at regular intervals. This usually occurs around Turns 12, 24 and 36.
At each interval a player will have a 'target' number of games that they will have expected to play. Every game that a player could lose fitness in, counts towards their target.
Within your squad each player's target is worked out below:
Please note that with regards to substitutions, if a player comes on as a substitute then it will count as half an appearance irrespective of what minute they entered the match.
For example, in a league with 38 games (38 Turns) a 94 rated or higher player expects to play in 31 games were they lose fitness. This could be 25 league starts, 8 substitute appearances and 2 cup games. Alternatively 31 league starts (missing 1 in every 6 league games) and no cup games.
Players that are not playing regularly will also assess if there is any opportunity to play in the future. If a player is the 5th choice left back then they will develop a concern that they will never have a chance to play for the club. This applies more to players that are at an age were they should be at their peak of the careers (25-30) and would like to be playing as opposed to younger or older players.
If a player gets to a Level 5 concern or has multiple high concerns then they will request a transfer and be placed on the transfer list for the Chairman's asking price. You cannot turn down a transfer request or do anything to change the players mind at this stage. The club will not be able to take him off the Transfer List or adjust the price. Other clubs will then be able to make cash only bids for the player. After 3-5 days the Chairman will accept the highest bid (please note that once the transfer offers have been accepted you will not be able to withdraw your offer) and the player will be sold to that club.
Basically, if you let your player develop these concerns to either one Level 5 concern or multiple highish level concerns then they will request a transfer and you loose control of the player's sale to your Chairman. You will not be able to reject deals or negotiate a transfer deal. If however you decide to sell the player before it gets to this stage then you have full control over the sale or if you manage to appease the player before this stage and bring his concerns back down you can keep the player.
The feature has been designed to give the manager as many opportunities and warnings about a player becoming unhappy as possible and so leaving the responsibility with the manager. It takes months for a player to become this unhappy and the Chairman stepping in, the manager can either resolve the players differences or sell the player before it gets to this stage.
Please note that a player will still leave the club irrespective of the club's current squad size or number of goalkeepers.
Players do not count games that they missed due to injury in the number of games they expect to play in. However whilst injured a player can develop a concern or increase a concern. This simply means that the player had not played enough games before he was injured and is now deciding to display his concern.
Concerns will stay with players across seasons and they will pass from one season to the next. If your unsure why a player already has a concern in a new season they must have carried it over from last season. It is also important to note that an injured player can still develop a concern or increase a level if he had not played enough games prior to being injured.
Players with concerns will suffer a decrease in morale as concerns are just an extension of morale. The more concerns a player has or levels that develop, then the further their morale will decrease.
If the owner of a Custom Game World edits the Advanced Rules at the start of a new season and turns off player concerns, then any current concerns a player may have will remain, but they will gradually decrease over time and cease to increase.
If a new manager takes control they could inherit a squad with problems that were previously there. If we toned down or removed concerns when a new manager came in then this could lead to people abusing teams by quitting and then taking control over them once again (especially in Custom Game Worlds). This would also mean that some teams with a high turnover of managers would never have a player leave! Therefore the concerns that a player has is linked to the club, not the manager.
With regards to players changing ratings, they may then have different expectations, depending if they have changed to affect their squad position, and so will develop less or more concerns going forward depending if they went up or down. This is true of age as well and also transfers that are made, so player concerns are very dynamic depending on different squad and player changes.
With regards to players transferring clubs, all player concerns are removed when they move club as the concerns they had were with the previous club and/or manager.
Player concerns are not be affected by SMFA competitions within Standard Game Worlds and Custom Game Worlds.
Please note that within the Tactics page, player concerns will only be displayed if they are related to the Lack of Games concern.
Language: English
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